Mārakerake ana te kitea he wāhanga nui tō te manaaki kaimahi i ēnei rā, hei whakaheke i te ahotea (stress), hei poipoi hoki i ngā kaimahi kia ora ai, kia harikoa ai hoki. Mā te mirimiri, mā te mahi pūāio (yoga) rānei e tutuki ai ēnei whāinga hei oranga mō te katoa.

Hei aha te mirimiri ki te mahi?
Not everyone has the time or inclination to treat themselves to a full-body massage, so regular workplace massage provides a convenient and comfortable solution and offers the same benefits of a longer massage.
Benefits of regular 15 minute massages:
decreased stress (by 85%) and decreased depression and anxiety
reduced muscular tension, back pain and headaches
lowered blood pressure
repetitive strain injuries such as tendonitis and carpal tunnel syndrome can be prevented, as well as treated, resulting in a reduction of pain.
focus, energy and mental clarity is increased following 15 minutes of ‘down-time’
immune systems receive a boost and good cells perform better, leading to an overall improved sense of wellbeing.
What's in it for the business?
1. Increase
Staff give more to good organisations who look after them well. In the current climate of high stress and burnout, workplaces need to be proactive in fostering a culture of wellbeing at work.
2. Attract amazing staff
It’s a highly competitive world out there, and workplaces need to come up with creative ways to stand out from the rest. Offering wellbeing massage is one of many ways to attract and keep top talent.
3. Improve
Staff look forward to massage day and mention that it helps them to get through a particularly busy or stressful week.
A range of options to suit your workplace:
A great option to add to a wellbeing week or staff appreciation day. A 2 hour minimum booking is required and staff can either pay for their own massage, work subsidises, or work pays the entire bill.
Cost: Starting at $95 per hour + $40 travel charge, depending on distance within Auckland. Get in touch for a quote.

Yoga sessions at work

Kua whakaako pūāio ki ngā tini wāhi mahi, arā, ki Fisher & Paykel Healthcare, Te Whānau o Waipareira, Te Kura o Kingslea, Odyssey & Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga.
E pai ana ēnei karaihe ki ngā ihu hupe, ngā tāngata kāore i te mōhio ki ēnei mahi. He ngāwari noa ngā tau (poses), ka aro hoki tātou ki te hā, ki te mahi mauritau (meditation) anō hoki, hei tino whakatau i te wairua, te hinengaro, te tinana anō hoki, e rite ai ki te hoki ki te mahi.
Ka tāea e au te whakaako pūāio ki roto i te reo Ingarihi, reo rua, te reo Māori anō hoki, kei tō wāhi mahi te tikanga.
Utu: $90 ia karaihe (45-60 miniti) + $30 mō te haere ki tō wāhi mahi.